A new version of the firmware is ready to download here

Improvements are in the front panel microprocessor and includes the following:

  1. Start up issue completely resolved. On some bands and frequency segments RGO ONE can not initialize properly LO chip SI-570 on power on. So the radio is deaf on RX and there is no transmition at all. If UP or DOWN buttons are cycled everything goes fine. This new FW completely removes this problem.
  2. Internal serial I2C bus speed is set to 200kbps. All daughter board including LO board communicate with FP processor via this interface. Signals – SDA1 and multiplexed clocks SCL11-SCL18
  3. Out of band operation issue resolved when in SPLIT mode
  4. QSY to another band issue resolved. When using main dial to change the frequency to another band or when change the frequency via CAT – RGO ONE can not transmit although tuned frequency is within HAM assigned bands . The radio worked only if UP or DOWN buttons are depressed.
New firmware version is ready – 2.34A
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