3rd production lot is depleted. Please fill in preorders for upcoming 4th production lot here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBFLsgv9OAIjpQE64ziLtZ44DHl73DTupcbjGaa9yN7c5_Tw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Needed parts:1. SMD resistor 5% case 0805 value 100kohm2. Firmware update to version 2.20A for front panel and main board processors Some users complained of interferences caused by strong local broadcast station on LW/MW. We designed 7th order Chebishev high
New software version is available to upload on your RGO ONE transceiver. This version includes some improvements in MB and FP microprocessors clock rate, speed and correct timing.Setting proper clock rate for MB processor. (Clock frequency away from HAM bands).
As from today 9.9.2020 a new firmware version is ready to be flashed via USB port to your RGO ONE HF transceiver. Ver.2.10b This version includes some improvements in Automatic Antenna Tuner (ATU) speed and performance, menu 22 CAT interface
New tech supplement is ready. It includes all changes and mods done by now. TECHNICAL SUPPLEMENT 2.10A 1. SSB GEN board – CW carrier „trial tone“ mod done. Added gain for „Line in“ input. Digi pot bias mode done.
Modest propagation on 10m and very few stations from Asia working. My setup was: RGO ONE – main operating transceiver Elecraft K3 – switched off most of the time ACOM-2000 amplifier Antenna 5 element YAGI monoband at 12m portable mast
Before firmware flash of FP and MB micro-processors, please read and download FLASH program and instructionsDetailed FLASH update procedure (updated) written by K9ZTV can be downloaded here: RGO ONE software update files and notes: Version 2.00A Ver.2.00a Version 2.10b from
Switching ON and OFF of the VBF always interacts with RGO ONE receiver Automatic gain control system (AGC). Since VBF reduces noises in RX path – from the ether and from previous IF amplifier, AGC system will act slightly different.