RGO ONE has a neat option – 4 pole crystal filter which bandwith is controlled via varactor diodes. Firmware generates proper voltage bias and this manner realize 10 fixed filters – 3kHz down to 220Hz. Variable bandwith function is activated
I just received a very sad message that Dayton HAM vention 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic. Tough and difficult decision but probably this will save many lives. I really don’t like spreading bad news so I like to
Here is first technical manual of RGO ONE in portable data format (PDF) ready to download: RGO ONE tech supplement Technical supplement consist of RGO ONE schematics, boards layout, parts list and short description of each board. There are 14
Due to the high volume of inquiries recently received we decided to post this google form which reserves the right to the user who filled in this form to get advantage ordering RGO ONE transceiver on „first come – first
Here is my 3 hours participation in 2019 edition of CQ WW DX contest. RIG was of course RGO ONE (serial number 190012). Barefoot – 50W output into my trusty SteppIR 3el. antenna. CQWWCW Summary Sheet Start Date : 2019-11-23
RGO ONE works nicely on digi modes (FT8), using SignaLink USB interface or other type with built in sound card. Communication between SignaLink USB and transceiver is fulfilled by custom made cable utilizing line in; line out and PTT signals
During last weekend me and Stan LZ1GC prepared main equipment for CW/SSB – RGO ONE (ser.n. 1900012). Stan will be active as T30GC west Kiribati from 7th to 23th october 2019. RGO ONE will drive ACOM-1200 amplifier with vertical antennas.
At last we have preliminary information on upcoming AUTO antenna tuner option for RGO ONE HF transceiver: Built in single PCB 120x50x13mm Bands 160 – 10 meters Output unballanced (coaxial cable) Matching impedances 12 – 300 ohm
Firmware update is performed by a tool for programming ATMEL microcontrollers – AVRDUDESS Requirements: – PC with windows – Requires .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 or newer. All systems since Windows Vista will have the required version already installed. – High-speed