RGO ONE HF transceiver, modules and options price list:
– RGO ONE HF transceiver (80-10m) 869 euro
Built and carefully aligned. Comes with:
H-mode high dynamic range first RX mixer
VBF – variable bandwidth 4 pole crystal filter
Bourns optical encoder ENA1J-B28-L00128L
TX LPF on 160m soldered on LPF board
Heavy weighted knob with ball bearings finger
dimple, aluminum inlay „phonograph record“ type;
finished and powder coating painted
FAN cradle with two fans for rear heatsink
Standard electret microphone
Power cord 13.8V with 15A fuses and anderson power
pole connectors for transceiver side
Optional modules and boards:
– Heavy weighted knob T.B.D.
(Standard with factory built and aligned transceiver)
– Bourns optical 128ppr ENS1J-B28-L00128L encoder T.B.D.
(Standard encoder is ENA1J-B28-L00128L)
– H-mode high dynamic range first RX mixer 61 euro
(Standard with factory built and aligned transceiver)
– Variable crystal 9MHz 4-pole filter 61 euro
(Standard with factory built and aligned transceiver)
– FAN cradle 39 euro
(Standard with factory built and aligned transceiver)
– Internal Automatic Antenna Tuner module 155 euro
– RX Band Pass Filter board for 160/60m bands 54 euro
– NB Noise blanker/noise receiver 79 euro
(High performance pulse noise eliminator)
– TX LPF 160m board T.B.D.
(TX LPF 160m board comes standard with factory built
and aligned RGO ONE transceiver)
– Titanium color painted front panel 40 euro
– 2.8kHz 8-pole 9MHz roofing crystal filter 49 euro
(Replacement for standard 2.7kHz filter at a time of purchase)
– 2.8kHz 8-pole 9MHz roofing crystal filter 83 euro
– 2.3kHz 8-pole 9MHz roofing crystal filter T.B.D.
– 2.1kHz 8-pole 9MHz roofing crystal filter T.B.D.
Shipping and delivery:
Shipping via TNT/Fedex EXPRESS to United States 85 euro
Shipping via TNT/Fedex EXPRESS to Australia/NZ 92 euro
Shipping via TNT/Fedex EXPRESS to Japan 92 euro
Shipping via DPD courier to EU Germany,Hungary 31 euro
Shipping via DPD courier to EU 35 euro
All optional modules can be purchased & installed anytime later.
RGO ONE HF transceivers sells only on pre orders. You can go and fill in preorder here
For more information visit my blog – www.lz2jr.com
Feel free to contact me any time via e-mail or contact form
im very interested in your hf qrp Transceiver project. Are there some audio samples availiable ? Which is the price of the transceiver fully assembled ?
Thanks Ralf 73
Hello Ralph,
thanks a lot for your interest! We are working hard to move forward .. Soon I will post other modules that are finished. Now we are working on a mother board and the face plate plastic mold.. I hope till the end of january 2017 we will finish all transceiver modules and till end of march 2017 we will have working samples. Of course we would appreciate more people involved in this project so opinions and comments are welcome.
Best Regards,
Борис, приветствую.
Хотел бы узнать в какой стадии проект и что можно приобрести в ближайщее время.
Здравствуйте дорогой,
трансивер работает на прием.. Здесь можно увидет аудио и видео:
73, Boris LZ2JR/AC9IJ
Yes mee too please réserve one item yes 😉😉😉😉
73 de Laurent on2vhf
Sure, you will have one!
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