3rd production lot is depleted. Please fill in preorders for upcoming 4th production lot here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBFLsgv9OAIjpQE64ziLtZ44DHl73DTupcbjGaa9yN7c5_Tw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 RGO ONE 4th production lot
DaveGюни 11, 2021 в 9:18 pmPermalink Any major changes between 3rd production lot and 4th production lot? Just asking 🙂 Dave KK6SS
sysadminАвторюни 11, 2021 в 10:46 pmPermalink Yes… due to world electronic parts crisis we changed some chips
Any major changes between 3rd production lot and 4th production lot?
Just asking 🙂
Dave KK6SS
Yes… due to world electronic parts crisis we changed some chips