In order to fulfill all the requirements to show different modes and parameters we decided to make our own liquid crystal display.

lcd-v006 lcd-v006-pins

It is designed and built on the well proved – FSTN technology with high visibility and contrast.

Technical data:
LCD type                   FSTN
Mode                          positive
Poarizer type            transflective
View direction         12h
Connect type            pin
Glass thickness        1.1mm
Working Voltage     3/5V
Multiplex level        32/5
Operating temp      0 – 50C
Storage temp
Content                   Digits/Symbols
Measures                114.3 x 27.94mm
num of symbols    149
backlight type       LED multicolor

It was firstly designed with 5 multiplex lines but soon after receiving first samples it turned out that this is not suitable as there is no driver chips on the market with 5 multiplex lines so we redesign the LCD with 40/4 so the most common Phillips chip can drive it.


Custom multicolor backlit FSTN LCD for HF QRP transceiver project
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