One of the most important modules in the home made HF transceiver project is the crystal filter. It is made of individual quartz crystals with matched parameters – Fser. (+/- 15Hz), Lm and Q factor > 100 000.  A large quantity of 9MHz oscillator crystals were purchased to extract only few to fit those requirements. Three type of quartz filters are used in this project – main (roofing) filter, narrow filter for SSB or CW modes and noise filter. All the filters are internally impedance matched to 50 ohm input/output circuitry and individually aligned.

img_3916  img_3917

Here is information about first – wide 2.7kHz SSB filter:

Filter type                          Chebyshev 8 pole

Center frequency             9MHz

Bandwith at -6db             2.7kHz

shape factor -6/-60db    1.75

IN/OUT impedance        50ohm

Band pass ripple              <1db

Stop band attenuation    >80db

VNA plot


Circuit diagram. Chebyshev 8 pole ladder type crystal filter


Crystal filter 9MHz 2.7kHz
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